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Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies

Author-politicians in Angola and Mozambique

Tom Stennett is a Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellow (2022-2025) working on the project ‘Author-politicians in Angola and Mozambique’

The project analyses the intimate relationship between party politics and literature in Angola and Mozambique, through a study of the intellectual and literary activities of Angolan and Mozambican author-politicians, that is, authors who were actively involved in the Angolan and Mozambican liberation struggles or post-independence governments. There were many such individuals: Angola’s first president, Agostinho Neto, was a poet, as was the effective second-in-command of Mozambique’s socialist government, Marcelino dos Santos. The prize-winning Angolan novelist Pepetela was an education minister during the socialist period. Angolan poet António Jacinto and short-story writer Luandino Vieira were sent to Tarrafal concentration camp, in Cape Verde, for their anti-colonial political activities.

The project has the following objectives:

  1. Assess the implications of the interconnections between party politics and literature in Angola and Mozambique from the 1950s until the present;
  2. Identify and problematize the political expectations created by the liberation movements and post-independence governments in Angola and Mozambique concerning literary production;
  3. Analyse the contradictions and tensions within the Marxist nationalist ideologies of political parties the MPLA (Angola) and Frelimo (Mozambique) using the political poetry of author-politicians who were high-ranking members of those parties;
  4. Consider the parallel development of literature and politics in Angola and Mozambique within regional, colonial, post-colonial and international contexts, including the development of Marxist politics in Africa.

The project will draw on archival materials from Portugal, Mozambique, Angola and Cape Verde.