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Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies

Professor Ulrike Zitzlsperger

Professor Ulrike Zitzlsperger

Associate Professor
German (ML)

Ulrike Zitzlsperger joined the University of Exeter (German/Modern Languages and Cultures) after working for the local government and a publishing house in 1990s Berlin/Germany. Berlin, its culture and its history, in particular during the interwar years, remains one of her main research interests. Other topics include the role of hotels, railway stations and department stores in the 19th and 20th centuries, metropolitan tourism, the role of souvenirs in cultural history (for example of the Berlin Wall) and urban smell-scapes. Much of her teaching reflects these interests, including the history and culture of Berlin, 1920s and 1930s German interwar history and culture ('Coping with Catastrophe'), but also environmental concerns ('Green Matters'). She has a wide portfolio of experience in administrative roles, including Sub-Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Chair of Collaborative Provision; Director of Education (Modern Languages and Cultures), Admissions Officer (MLC) and Widening Participation/Schools Co-ordinator (MLC).

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