Dr Natália Pinazza
Senior Lecturer
Portuguese (ML)
I am a Senior Lecturer in Latin American and Lusophone Studies and Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. My teaching and research focus on journey narratives, film industry and issues of transnational cinema with a particular focus on Latin America and the Portuguese-speaking world.
I was awarded my BA in Languages and Literature (Letras) at the University of São Paulo. I hold an Academic Excellence Awards funded MA with distinction in European Cinema and an Overseas Research Student Awards Scheme funded PhD (Globalisation and the National Imaginary in Contemporary Agentine and Brazilian Cinema) from the University of Bath. I worked at the Cultural Sector of UNESCO headquarters in Paris. In 2012, I was awarded the UNESCO Keizo Obuchi Fellowship to explore intercultural dialogue through visual arts at the University of Ottawa, Canada. I taught content and language modules at the University of Cambridge, University of Sheffield, Regent’s University and Birkbeck College, University of London.
I wrote my doctoral thesis in 2012 and published my first monograph Journeys in Argentine and Brazilian Cinema: Road Movies in a Global Era by Palgrave Macmillan in 2014. I translated the updated version of The Penguin Portuguese Phrasebook (2014). My other books as an editor include World Film Location São Paulo (2013), World Cinema Directory: Brazil (2013), New Approaches to Lusophone Culture (2016) and, more recently, Journeys on Screen: Theory, Ethics, Aesthetics (2018).
I have published articles and chapters in English and Portuguese on various aspects of Latin American and Portuguese-speaking cinema and delivered conference papers and invited talks in Australia, the United States, Canada, UK, Ireland and Brazil. Many of my publications examine issues of nation building in a transnational context. I wrote reviews for journals such as Bulletin of Hispanic Studies and WorkingUSA: The Journal of Labor and Society, Studies in Spanish and Latin American Cinemas, Wasafiri, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies. I wrote several pieces for The Conversation, The Platform and Mediático and I am regularly invited to peer review for academic presses and leading journals.
Other publications include the chapter “Luso-Brazilian Coproductions: Rescue and Expansion” in the book Portugal’s Global Cinema: Industry, History and Culture; an article in Portuguese entitled “Esquecer de Lembrar em vale dos esquecidos e Huanacache tierra Huarpe” in Significação: Revista de Cultura Audiovisual and the articles “Diaspora and National Identity in Daniel Burman’s El abrazo partido”, Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies and "Transnationality and Transitionality in Sandra Kogut´s The Hungarian Passport", Alphaville: Journal of Media and Film Studies. University College Cork: Ireland.