Professor Nuria Capdevila-Arguelles
Hispanic Studies (ML)
Pre-Francoist feminist writers and artists were erased from public memory by the Spanish Civil War and the decades of dictatorship that followed. Professor Nuria Capdevila-Argüelles’s research brought to public attention the lives and works of these women and contributed to the revival and public recognition of Spain’s pre-Francoist feminist legacy. She is now recognised as a preeminent influence in the understanding of the history of Spanish feminism by leading contemporary cultural and political figures
Professor Nuria Capdevila-Argüelles has published extensively in the fields of Gender Studies and Hispanism on both sides of the Atlantic. Her books, Autoras inciertas (2008), He de tener libertad (2010) ( and Artistas y precursoras (2013) ( have all won awards from the Spanish Ministry of Education (Dirección General del Libro y Bibliotecas).
Her most recent books are El regreso de las modernas (2018) (, and the much-awaited critical anthologies Corcel de fuego (2020) ( Corcel de fuego - Lucía Sánchez Saornil - Ediciones Torremozas), Colofón de luz (2022) (Colofón de luz - Nuria Parés ( and Cartas a mí misma (2022) (Cartas a mí misma - Carmen Castellote (
She directs the audiovisual project CartasVivas, , and co-directs the collection Biblioteca Elena Fortún, Editorial Renacimiento, She has completed extensive critical editions for, among others, Celia madrecita, Celia institutriz, two of the most important titles of Fortún's famous Celia series. She is also the author of the extensive critical edition of Fortun's unpublished novels Oculto sendero and El pensionado de Santa Casilda. For more information on this revival of Spain's most famous children's author, see, Please click here for information into the English version of this best-seller, published in USA by Swan Isle,
Confirming her influence abroad, a recent evaluative review of Professor Capdevila-Argüelles’s work in the literary supplement of Argentine broadsheet La Nación notes that pre-Francoist women’s history has finally been connected with post-Francoism, and that the importance of the public, private and secret lives of women, along with the need to know about the impact of gender violence and discrimination in all three, has been understood by Hispanic audiences and those interested in Spanish history and culture, influencing public debate as well as cultural, educational and political development. She has supervised doctoral and postdoctoral research in the areas of modern and contemporary Hispanic Studies, Feminism and Gender Studies and is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Professor Nuria Capdevila-Argüelles graduated in 1995 with a Licenciatura in Filología from the University of León (Spain). She completed an MSc and a PhD in Hispanic Studies at the University of Edinburgh and spent her postdoctoral research period at Oxford University where she was the holder of the Queen Sofía Junior Research Fellowship (1999-2002). She spent three years working as a permanent lecturer in Hispanic studies at the University of Lancaster before joining the University of Exeter in 2005. She is now Professor of Hispanic Studies and Gender Studies.
Examples of recent plenary and keynote addresses delivered at prestigious international institutions: Pablo de Olavide University, Prado Museum in Madrid, Complutense University in Madrid, University of West Georgia , Cervantes Institute (Chicago, Leeds and Manchester, London, Madrid, National Library in Madrid, Casa de América in Madrid (2022), Mexican Embassy in Madrid and Centro de artes escénicas Fernando Fernán Gómez, University of Utretch, University of Bergamo, University of Bilbao, University of Valladolid, University of Seville, University of Cordoba, University of Cadiz, University Autonoma de Barcelona.