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Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies

Photo of Ms Isabel Moros

Ms Isabel Moros

Senior Lecturer in Hispanic Studies (E&S)


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Senior Lecturer in Hispanic Studies (Education and Scholarship). Senior Language Coordinator. ASPIRE Senior Fellow. Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA). University of Exeter Teaching Fellowship. Staff representative for the Department of Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies.

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  • First and Second Language Acquisition
  • Language Assessment Methods
  • Recovery of Historical Memory
  • New approaches to language teaching
  • Decolonising the Curriculum

Research collaborations

During the academic year of 2013-2014, I established a collaboration with the GW4 Universities (University of Bath, University of Bristol, University of Cardiff and University of Exeter). As a result of this collaboration, we organised the First Colloquium on Innovation in Modern Languages Education. The Colloquium took place at the University of Bath on the 13th of June 2014. It was a very successful event that included colleagues from across the four institutions as well as students. The main themes of the Colloquium were student engagement, employability and innovative forms of assessment including the use of electronic assessment. The Colloquium was supported by the Spanish Embassy, the Cervantes Institute and the German Academic Exchange Service. Further colloquiums have followed as the idea is that they rotate through the different institutions fostering a spirit of collaboration and scholarship. The next Colloquium was hosted at the University of Exeter on the 26th of June 2015 and more than 80 delegates attended. The Spanish Embassy supported the event and the Education Counsellor, Dr Gonzalo Capellán de Miguel came and presented at the Colloquium. The following year the Colloqium took place at the University of Bristol on the 30th of June. Ninety delegates attended. During the following year we completed the first cycle of the Colloquiums of the GW4 Universities and the event took place at Cardiff University. As in previous occasions it was really well attended and it is now firmly established as a Collaboration between colleagues across the discipline of Modern Languages within these four institutions and beyond. Thie second cylce began with our V Colloquium at the University of Bath and our keynote speaker was the President of ASELE, Dr Javier Muñoz Basols (Oxford University). 

The Colloquia has now completed two cycles and we are entering now the third one. Last year (2023), we were awarded a Development Award by GW4 as a recognition of the work that we have carried up until now. See the link below.

LanGW4 - GW4

This year, our Colloquium will take place again at the University of Bath and our keynote speaker will be Dr Sascha Stollhans, Associate Professor of Language Pedagogies at the School of Languages, Cultures and Societies at Leeds University. As in previous years, we will have also a guest University with us. This year, the University will be UCL. On previous occassions, we have collaborated with Notthingham University, Regent´s University in London and Southampton University.

In November 2009 I co-organised with Professor Derek Flitter and the Largo Caballero Foundation an International Conference on The Cultural and Literary meaning of the Spanish Political Exile of 1939. The Conference was sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Culture and was supported by the bank of Santander.

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External impact and engagement

Contribution to discipline

Papers deliverd at Language conferences:

University of Leeds, Innovative Language Teaching at University 2014: Enhancing student performance: May 2014, Using Moodle quizzes to assess our students'reading and listening comprehension skills as well as grammar use. Some examples in Hispanic Studies. Ms Isabel Moros, Ms Maria Lafuente, Dr Isabel Santafé and Mr Richard Holding.

University of Exeter, Second Colloquium on Innovation in Modern Languages Education, June 2015: Employability, Student Engagement and Collaborative Learning: Relevance of the task oriented approach to language learning on how to incorporate these three key aspects in Higher Education today.

Annual AHGBI Conference(Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland) Conference at the University of Northumbria 2016: Learning by Doing: Pedagogical reflections on the experience of using authentic assessment, student engagement and collaborative processes.

Conference on Languages and Cultures in XXI Century Transnationality. University of Sheffield Hallam. September 2016.I presented a paper on language teaching and student engagement through employability embedded in the curriculum.

Conference on Multilingual Language Learning and Teaching. Durham University. April 2017. I presented a paper on Reflections on the differences and similarities between collective and collaborative language learning. 

Co-Organiser of the Colloquium on Innovation in Modern Languages Education at the University of Bath (2014), at the University of Exeter (2015), at the University of Bristol (2016) and at the University of Cardiff (2017). During the second cycle, I co-organise the Colloquium at the University of Bath (2018), at the University of Exeter (2019), at the University of Bristol (2022), at the University of Cardiff (2023). We have begun now our third cycle and the next Colloquium will be at the University of Bath (2024).

As a result of our first cycle of Colloquia on Innovation in Modern Languages Education, my co-founder of LanGW4, Dr Irene Macías and I were guest editors of a special issued of the journal Language, Culture and Curriculum, issue 32. The special issue was titled Modern Languages as an Academic Discipline: Where next? Five years of Scholarship and collaboration: LanGW4. Language, Culture and Curriculum. 32. 3 p.239-243 5 p

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Awards and Honours: December 2007 Merit Award by the School of Arts, Languages and Literatures for contribution to the programme of study.January 2010 Exeter Rising Star Award Holder awarded by the University of Exeter in recognition of her contribution to teaching, new approaches in methodology and enhancement of the learning experience of the students. May 2010 Tutor of the Year for the Department of Modern Languages. Runner up as Tutor of the Year at the First Exeter University Teaching Awards organised by the Exeter University Students'Guild. May 2010 shortlisted as one of the ten finalists for provider of feedback at the First Exeter University Teaching Awards organised by the Exeter University Students'Guild. May 2011 Highly commended as Most Supportive Member of staff at the University Teaching Awards organised by the Exeter University Students'Guild. January 2012 Merit award by the College of Humanities within the University for her contribution to students'learning and the development of the curriculum. May 2012 Runner up for Most Supportive Member of Staff in the University of Exeter Students' Guild Teaching Awards. September 2012. ASPIRE Senior Fellowship awarded. January 2013 Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA). May 2013  Overall Winner as Most Supportive Member of Staff in the University of Exeter Students' Guild Teaching Awards. Overall winner as Most Supportive Member of staff for the Department of Modern Languages in the University of Exeter Students' Guild Teaching Awards 2014. December 2014, the University of Exeter awarded Ms Moros with the University of Exeter Teaching Fellowship for her contribution to the discipline. In April 2015, Ms Moros was again runner up as Most Supportive Member of Staff in the University of Exeter Students'Guild Teaching Awards. In April 2016, Ms Moros was again runner up as Most Supportive Member of Staff in the University of Exeter Students´Guild Teaching Awards.

Modules taught

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Ms Isabel Moros joined the Department as Language Coordinator for Hispanic Studies in 2001. In 2009, she became Senior Language Coordinator for Hispanic Studies and in 2011, Lecturer (Education and Scholarship). In October 2013, she was promoted to Senior Lecturer (Education and Scholarship).

After graduating from the University of Exeter in 1990 in Hispanic Studies, she completed a TEFL and RSA dip in Teaching Spanish Language obtaining a distinction. Ms Moros worked as a lexicographer on several projects such as: The Oxford Avanzado Spanish-English Dictionary -1st Edition 1996 (Oxford University Press) and The Richmond Spanish-English Student's Dictionary -1st Edition 1996 Santillana, S.A. Madrid (Spain). Prior to joining the Department, Ms Moros worked at other institutions including the University of Bristol and the Open University. During her time with the Open University she created strong links with this institution and taught as Associate Lecturer in all their modules and acted as external oral examiner for several years.

She has been an External Examiner for Cardiff University for their programme on BSc Economies with a European Language amongst others (2011-2015).

Ms Moros has also been an External Examiner for the University of Bath from 2012 to 2016 specialising on assessing their prestigious programme on International Management and Modern Languages (Spanish). 

She has also been an External Examiner for Regent´s University in London from 2017 to 2021 covering their wide range of modules and specialised assessment.

Currenty, she is an External Examiner for the University of Essex (Languages and Linguistics Department) (2024-2028)

Ms Moros has a very extensive experience in teaching Spanish language for general and specific purposes, including module options in Commercial Spanish. She has coordinated the language module provision in Hispanic Studies since 2001. In September 2012, she was awarded a ASPIRE Senior Fellowship and in January 2013 received the Senior Fellowship award from the Higher Education Academy (HEA). During the academic year (2012-2013), Ms Moros worked closely with colleagues in Education Enhancement as part of their Collaborate project, directed by Ms Liz Dunne and supported by JISC. The aims of the project were to explore and redesign assessment, using it as a means for embedding employability in the curriculum. The experiences shared through Collaborate were recorded by the JISC project and they were used as examples of good practice in the new Education Strategy of the University of Exeter.

In 2014-2015, Ms Moros was awarded the University of Exeter Teaching Fellowship for her commitment to the discipline of Modern Languages and for her innovative approaches to assessment (authentic assessment) used in the delivery of her option modules and the clear connections with employability being embedded in the curriculum. She was the Academic Employability Officer for the Department of Modern Languages for several years and as a result was asked by the then Associate Dean of Education of the College of Humanities, Professor Sarah Hamilton, to create a module for Humanities students (undergraduates) on Making a career in publishing.The module ran successfully from 2016 to 2023 and enabled students to discover the possibilities of what the world of publishing could offer to them. Numbers increased dramatically and in the last year when the module was offered (2022-2023), 53 students from different discipline across Humanities took part.

In 2018, the Associate Dean of Education for the College of Humanities, Professor Marion Gibson asked Ms Moros to develop the Program of Employment Experience within Humanities. This program enables students across Humanities to choose spending a year gaining experience through a variety of internships in the world of graduate work. The Program has run successfully since 2018 in their two areas (Employment Experience in the U.K and Employment Experience abroad). The program has continued growing despite the challenging times of Covid19 and so far 144 students have benefitted from it. The originality of innovativeassessment for these modules (HUM3997 and HUM3998) builds on previous experiences in other successfult modules such as MLS3027 and MLS 3049 (Commercial Spanish) and it does encourage students to become reflective learners and gain self-awareness that can be applied later on in their professional development and future careers.

This academic year 2023-2024, Ms Moros has developed a new module with Dr Isabel Santafé whose aim is to introduce students to a more decolonised approach to the Hispanic world. The module is MLS1164, a Journey of Discovery: Hispanic Global Culture. The assessment is also innovative as students need to present a group podcast as well as an individual review. 

She is also a Mentor for the ASPIRE Professional Development Programme and has taken part in ASPIRE Award Accreditation Panels for the last few years.

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More information

Awards and Honours:

* December 2007. Merit Award by the School of Arts, Languages and Literatures at the University of Exeter

* January 2010. Exeter Rising Star Award Holder, awarded by the University of Exeter in recognition of my contribution to teaching, new approaches in methodology and enhancement of the learning experience of the students.

* May 2010. Tutor of the Year for the Department of Modern Languages. Runner up as Tutor of the Year at the First Exeter University Teaching Awards organised by the Exeter University Student's Guild.

* May 2010. Shortlisted as one of the ten finalists for provider of feedback at the first Exeter University Teaching Awards organised by the Exeter University Student's Guild.

* May 2011. Highly Commended as Most Supportive Member of Staff in the University of Exeter Students'Guild Teaching Awards.

* January 2012. Merit award by the College of Humanities within the University of Exeter for my contribution to students learning and development of the curriculum.

* May 2012. Runner up as Most Supportive Member of Staff in the University of Exeter Student's Guild Teaching Awards.

* September 2012. ASPIRE Senior Fellowship

* January 2013. Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (HEA)

* May 2013. Overall winner as Most supportive Member of Staff in the University of Exeter Students'Guild Teaching Awards.

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